Saturday, July 4, 2015



Hydraulic pressure must be regulated in order to use it to perform the desired tasks safely. Pressure regulating systems will always use three elemental devices; a pressure relief valve, a pressure regulator and a pressure gage. 1.5.2 Pressure Relief Valves: A pressure relief valve is used to limit the amount of pressure being exerted on a confined liquid. This is necessary to prevent failure of components or rupture of hydraulic lines under excessive pressures. The pressure relief valve is, in effect, a system safety valve. The design of pressure relief valves incorporates adjustable spring-loaded valves. They are installed in such a manner as to discharge fluid from the pressure line into a reservoir return line when the pressure exceeds the predetermined maximum for which the valve is adjusted. Various makes and designs of pressure relief valves are in use, but, in general, they all employ a spring-loaded valuing device operated by hydraulic pressure and spring tension. Pressure relief valves are adjusted by increasing or decreasing the tension on the spring to determine the pressure required to open the valve. Two general forms of pressure relief valves, the twoport and the four-port

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