Friday, June 12, 2015


Abbreviations and acronyms used in flight management system displays

Abbreviations are extensively used for the display of data by the control and display units of this and other flight management computer systems, and these abbreviations/ acronyms and their definitions are given here.

ACT                Active (related to modes)
ADC               Air Data Computer ALT Altitude
ALTN              Alternate
APPR             Approach
APR                Automatic Performance Reserve
ARR               Arrive
AT                   Autothrottle
ATIS               Airport Terminal Information Service
ATM                Assumed Temperature Method
ATO                Actual Time Overhead
BM                  Buffet Margin
BOD               Bottom Of Descent BRG Bearing
CG                  Centre of Gravity
CLB                Climb
CMD               Command _
CON               Continuous (EPR)
CRS               Course
CRZ                Cruise
CSTR             Constraint, e.g., SPD CSTR Speed Constraint
CTR             Centred
DA                  Drift Angle
DECEL         Decelerate
DEP            Depart
DES                Descent
DEST             Destination
DEV                Deviation
DIR                 Direction
DIS(T)             Distance
DNTK             Downtrack
DSPL             Display
DSR               Desired
DTG                Distance To Go
ECON         Economy
E/D             End of Descent
EFC            Expect Further Clearance
EFOB          Estimated Fuel On Board ELV Elevation
E/OUT         Engine Out
EPR            Engine Pressure Ratio
ETA            Estimated Time of Arrival
ETO            Estimated Time Overhead
EXEC           Execute
FF                   Fuel Flow
FCU            Flight Control Unit
FL               Flight Level
FLT PLN     Flight Plan
FOB            Fuel on Board
FOD            Fuel Over Destination
FPA            Flight Path Angle
FQ                   Fuel Quantity
GA                  Go Around
GS              Ground Speed
GW                 Gross Weight
IAS                  Indicated Air Speed
INTC               Intercept
IRS             Inertial Reference System
ISA             International Standard Atmosphere
INIT             Initialization
INBD           Inbound
INVAL         Invalid LAT Lateral
LRC            Long Range Cruise
LW                  Landing Weight
MAG VAR      Magnetic Variation
MMO                Maximum operating Mach No.
MRC               Mach Referenced Cruise
MSA               Minimum Safe Altitude
 MSG              Message
NM              Nautical Miles
N                 Low pressure compressor speed
oAT             Outside Air Temperature OFST Offset
OPT            Optimum
Op Program          Operations Programme
PERF          Performa
PLNG             Planning, e.g., PLNG DES Planning Descent POS Position

PPOS             Present Position

PRED             Predicted PROC      Procedure, e.g., PROC TURN Procedure Turn

PROF             Profile, e.g., PROF DES Profile Descent
PWR               Power
QNH               Altimeter pressure scale setting to read airfield height above      sea-level on landing and take-off
RCL                Recall
RED               Reduced, e.g.,
RED TO         Reduced take-off thrust RNG Range
RSV                Reserve (fuel) REV Revision
RTE                Route

SAT                Static Air Temperature SEL Select

SID                 Standard Instrument Departure SPD Speed
STAR             Standard Terminal Arrival Route STBY Standby

STP                Step, e.g., STEP CLB

TAI                  Thermal Anti Ace

TAS                                                    True Air Speed
TAT                                                     Total Air Temperature
TGT                                                     Target, e.g., TGT ALT Target Altitude
TO APR                                 Take-Off Automatic Performance Reserve
TOC (T/C)                              Top of Climb
TOD (T/D)                              Top of Descent
TOGW                                    Take-Off Gross Weight
TKE                                                    Track Error
TP                                                       Turn Point
TRANS                                  Transition
TRK                                                    Track TURB Turbulence
VAL                                                    Valid
VAR                                                    Variation
V1                                                        Critical engine-failure speed
V2                    Take-off safety speed VERT Vertical
Vmo                  Mximum Operating Airspeed
VREF                                                 Reference Speed
V/S                                                      Vertical Speed
W/V                                      Wind direction/velocity
WPT                                     (WYPT) Waypoint
XTK                                                                            Cross Track
ZFW                                                                           Zero Fuel Weight

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