Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Heat Exchangers

Heat Exchangers

(a)       Before installation, heat exchangers should be inspected to ensure that no foreign matter has entered the various connections, that there are no evident cracks or other damage and that ram air passages are free from obstruction.
(b)       Heat exchangers are heavy units and they must therefore be adequately supported during installation to prevent them fouling ducting, other system components and parts of the aircraft structure.
(c)       The fore-and-aft and transverse clearances for mounting flanges and bolts should be checked to ensure that they are within the limits specified in the relevant Maintenance Manuals. Mounting bolts should be tightened to the required torque values.
(d)       New seals and 0-rings should be fitted to the joints between system ducts, cooling air inlet and outlet flanges, and charge-air connections. Nuts, bolts and clamps should not be over tightened as connection flanges may distort and cause damage to adjacent brazed joints. After installation the joints should be leak tested in accordance with the procedure laid down in the relevant Aircraft Maintenance Manual.

(e)       If disturbed during installation of a heat exchanger, cooling air shutters or flaps should be tested and adjusted as necessary. Movable parts should operate freely, and the limit switches of electrical actuators should isolate the power supply when the shutter or flap has moved through its full travel.

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