Monday, June 8, 2015


Orders on provisioning aircraft equipment came in the ANO under Equipment of Aircraft (articles 19, 20, 21) and emergency equipments are covered here in article 19. Corresponding schedules specifying such equipment are schedule 4.

Article 19 (2):  In the case of any aircraft registered in the United Kingdom the equipment required to be provided (in addition to any other equipment required by or under this Order) shall:

(a) Be that specified in such parts of Schedule 4 as are applicable in the circumstances;
Article 19 (4): The equipment carried in compliance with this article shall be so installed or stowed and kept stowed, and so maintained and adjusted, as to be readily accessible and capable of being used by the person for whose use it is intended.

Article 19 (5): The position of equipment provided for emergency use shall be indicated by clear markings in or on the aircraft.

Article 19 (6): In every public transport aircraft registered in the United Kingdom there shall be provided individually for each passenger or, if the CAA so permits in writing, exhibited in a prominent position in every passenger compartment, a notice which complies with paragraph (7). 

Article 19 (7): A notice complies with this paragraph if it:

(a) is relevant to the aircraft in question;

(b) contains pictorial instructions on the brace position to be adopted in the event of an emergency landing;

(c) Contains pictorial instructions on the method of use of the safety belts and safety harnesses as appropriate;

(d) contains pictorial information as to where emergency exits are to be found and instructions as to how they are to be used; and (e) contains pictorial information as to where the lifejackets, escape slides, life rafts and oxygen masks, if required to be provided by paragraph (2), are to be found and instructions as to how they are to be used.

3 Schedule 4:  Schedule 4 gave a table at paragraph 5 with 3 columns: Description of aircraft, circumstances of flight and scale of equipment required. Scales of equipment are specified in paragraph 6 with headlines Scale A, Scale B……etc.

Scale A came in the form of:  A (1), (2), (3) ……etc listing the equipment as required in the table paragraph 5. Emergency equipment is listed in A(3), B, H, I, J, K, Scale KK, L1, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

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