Friday, June 12, 2015


PERFORMANCE Advisory and Flight Management Systems

 Systems designed in various forms to carry out performance advisory or comprehensive flight management functions are now an essential feature of a number of types of commercial transport aircraft, their development having stemmed from the need to ensure the most efficient use of fuel, the need to reduce workload and the need to reduce operating costs overall. Fuel usage and other economic factors associated with aircraft operations have always been ones attracting the attention of the manufacturing and operating sectors of the industry, but in about the early 1970s when certain of the oil-producing states were creating sharp increases in the costs of crude oil and for political reasons were imposing oil embargos against some Western nations, the industry was forced to pay even greater attention to the above factors. As a result, many research and development programmes were instituted and were centred on the fuel efficiency of engines, improvements in LID ratios of airframes (e.g. by such means as use of supercritical wing sections) and on reductions in structural weight by use of composite materials.

Computer technology, although limited at the time in its application to aircraft systems, was nevertheless more advanced in overall concepts, and so by the production of software, which took into account the many operational variables, computers offered an additional and quicker route to the attainment of economic flight operations by performing automatic adjustments to relevant control systems. In conjunction with developments in the areas noted earlier, a system of computerized flight management has currently become the `elite' of avionic systems and it is probably not unfair to say that it is the most developed, besides being the one most readily retro-fitted to aircraft.
FMS development has, of course, resulted in a number of variations on the original theme of controlling engine power and flight operations consistent with the most efficient use of fuel at all times and, consequently, a variety of system designations has been applied by the manufacturers of” systems. These designations, some of which are interchangeable, while others indicate distinctly different capabilities, are given in Table 2.1 although Table 2.1 has not been compiled to a rigid scale of evolution, it does provide some indication of development of system functions which may be advisory only, or a combination of advisory and control
 Table 2.1 System designations

System                                                    Function

Performance advisory system (PAS)
- Advises of best altitude and speed to fly at to save fuel. Flight crew has to transfer values into automatic flight control system and throttle settings

*Performance data computer system
- Similar to PAS but typically linked (PDCS) to provide automatic pitch and throttle            control

*Performance management system (PMS)

- Similar to PDCS but with additional lateral navigation capability

*Automatic performance management            Similar to PAS
System (APMS)

*Flight management computer system (FMCS)        

- Full performance and navigation capabilities, flight planning and operation in a three-dimensional capacity

*Flight management system                               - Similar to FMCS (FMS)

In performing an advisory function a system merely advises the flight crew of the optimum settings of various control parameters, such as engine pressure ratio (EPR) and climb rate under varying flight conditions, in order to achieve the most economical use of the available fuel. Such systems require adjustments of controls on the part of the flight crew if they are to be utilized to maximum advantage. Examples of advisory systems are the PAS and PDC systems noted in Table 2.1
A system performing a combined function is one in which the sensing computer and display units are interfaced with an auto-throttle control system and pitch channel of an automatic flight control system; thus, in removing the flight crew from the control loop, an integrated automatic FMS is formed to provide greater precision of engine power and vertical flight path control. Early forms of flight management systems, whether purely advisory or combined function, were limited to supervising control parameters affecting the vertical flight path. In order to ensure maximum fuel economy it is, however, also necessary to integrate this optimized flight path management with the lateral flight path; in other words, a system must also be provided with a navigation capability. This requires interfacing the computer with such navigation systems as Doppler, inertial reference system, DME and VOR. The inputs from these systems permit continuous monitoring of an aircraft's track in relation to a flight plan, which may be pre-stored in the computer memory and an immediate identification of deviations. Furthermore, it allows flight plan variants to be constructed and evaluated. It is thus apparent that by combining these inputs with those controlling the vertical flight path parameters mentioned earlier, an FMS can integrate the functions of navigation, performance management, flight planning and three-dimensional guidance and control along a pre-planned flight path.

 Inputs: In addition to changing data inputs from such systems as those mentioned above, an FMS system also requires data bases for storing bulk navigation data, and the characteristics of an aircraft and its engines, in order that the system will operate in a full three-dimensional capacity. The navigation data base is capable of storing the necessary flight environmental data associated with a typical airline's entire route structure, including pertinent navigation aids and waypoints, airports and runways, published terminal area procedures, etc. The memory bank also contains flight profile data for a variety of situation modes, such as take-off, climb, cruise, descent, holding, go-around and 'engine -out'. The cruise mode is also sub-divided into sub-mode variants such as economy, long-range, manual and thrust-limited. The integration of all the foregoing data, plus other variable inputs such as wind speeds and air traffic control clearances, permit the automatic generation or modification of flight plans to meet the needs of any specific flight operation

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