Monday, June 8, 2015

Restraining and securing loose freight

Restraining and securing loose freight: 

When a containerized system for loose equipment is not available, loads will have to be carried loose, but such loads must still be restrained from moving about the aircraft during flight. They may be carried in a) a cargo bay beneath the passenger floor or b) baggage area on the main deck. In any case, there must be restraining and securing system. Following is a description of a main deck restraining/securing system.

Main Deck Restraint: Main deck restraining system is basically a net wall that can be removed to enable loading and unloading. The wall is made up of nylon webbing formed into a net and lashed to posts which are attached to the floor and ceiling sockets. The lashing posts are generally hollow aluminium tubes. At the top of the post, there is a spring-loaded plunger which can be retracted to remove the post from the ceiling socket. The base of the post is then simply lifted out. A locking pin on the spring-loaded plunger must be released to enable the plunger to be withdrawn. The nets are attached to shackles, which are fixed to strong points on the aircraft fuselage.

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