Wednesday, July 1, 2015

         Addition and Subtraction of Polar form
Addition or subtraction cannot be performed in polar form unless the complex numbers have the same angle q or differ only by multiples of 1800.
Example 3.3:
To multiply two complex numbers in rectangular form, multiply the real and imaginary parts of one in turn by the real and imaginary parts of the other. For example, if
C1 = A1 + j B1         and C2 = A2 + j B2
Then            C1. C2 = A1 + j B1
                                A2 + j B2
                             A1A2 + j B1 A2
                                    + j A1B2 + j 2B1 B2
                             A1A2 + j (B1 A2 + A1B2) + B1 B2 (-1)
And    C1. C2 = A1A2 - B1 B2 + j (B1 A2 + A1B2)                                (3.3)
In Example 3.4(b), we obtain a solution without re­sorting to memorizing Eq. (3.3). Simply carry along the j factor when multiplying each part of one vector with the real and imaginary parts of the other.

Example 3.4:
a.      Find C1. C2 if C1 = 2 + j 3 and C2 = 5 + j 10.
b.     Find C1. C2 if C1 = -2 - j 3 and C2 = +4 - j 6.
a.      Using the format above (Eq. (3.3)), we have
C1. C2 = [(2)(5) – (3)(10)]+ j [(3)(5) + (2)(10)]
          = -20 + j 35
b.     Without using the format, we obtain
-2 - j 3
+4 - j 6
-8 - j 12
    +j 12 + j 2 18
-8 -18 + j (-12 + 12)
C1. C2           = -26 = 26
In polar form, the magnitudes are multiplied and the angles added algebraically. For example, for
C1 = C1 and C2 = C 2
C1. C2 = C1 C2                                 (3.4)

Example 3.5:
a.      Find C1. C2 if C1 = 5 and C2 = 10.
b.     Find C1. C2 if C1 = 5 and C2 = 10.
a.      From Eq. (3.4), we have
C1. C2 = (5)(10)=50
b.     From Eq. (3.4), we have
C1. C2 = (2)(7)=14
To multiply a complex number in rectangular form by a real number requires that both the real part and the imagi­nary part be multiplied by the real number. For example,
(10)(2 + j 3) = 20 + j 30
and    (50 ) (0 + j 6) = j 300 = 300
3.3            Division
To divide two complex numbers in rectangular form, multi­ply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator and the resulting real and imaginary parts collected. That is, for
C1 = A1 + j B1         and C2 = A2 + j B2
Then            C1      (A1 + j B1)( A2 - j B2)
                   C2      (A2 + j B2)( A2 - j B2)
C1      A1A2 + B1B2             A2B1 - A1B2
The equation does not have to be memorized if the steps above used to obtain Eq. (3.5) are employed. That is, first multiply the numerator by the complex conjugate of the denominator and separate the real and imaginary terms. Then divide each term by the real number obtained by multiplying the denominator by its conjugate.
Example 3.6:
a.      Find C1/ C2 if C1 = 1 + j 4 and C2 = 4 + j 5.
b.     Find C1/ C2 if C1 = -4 - j 8 and C2 = +6 - j 1.
a.      By Eq. (3.5),
C1/C2 = 0.585 + j 0.268
b.     Using an alternate method, we have
-4 - j 8
+6 - j 1
-24 - j 48
    +j 4 + j 2 8
-24 + j (-48 + 4)+8 = -16 – j 52
+6 - j 1
+6 - j 1
36 - j 6
    -j 6 + j 2 1
36 + 0 +1    = 37
C1/C2 =  = - 0.432 - j 1.405
To divide a complex number in rectangular form by a real number, both the real part and the imaginary part must be divided by the real number. For example,
and              =3.4
In polar form, division is accomplished by simply divid­ing the magnitude of the numerator by the magnitude of the denominator and subtracting the angle of the denomi­nator from that of the numerator. That is, for
C1 = C1 and C2 = C 2
C1/C2 = C1/C2                                    (3.6)
Example 3.7:
a.      Find C1/ C2 if C1 = 15 and C2 = 2.
b.     Find C1/ C2 if C1 = 8 and C2 = 16.
a.      From Eq. (3.6), we have
C1/ C2 = (15)/(2)  =7.5
b.     From Eq. (3.6), we have
C1/ C2 = (8)/(16) =0.5
We obtain the reciprocal in the rectangular form by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator.
and                                                   (3.7)
In the polar form the reciprocal is
Some concluding examples using the four basic operations follow.

Example 3.8: Perform the following operations, leaving the answer in polar or rectangular form.

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