Electric convection current

where ρ is electric charge density.
was seen as a kind of
magnetic current of vortices aligned in their axial planes,
with being the circumferential velocity of the
vortices. With µ representing vortex density, we can now see how the product of
µ with vorticity
leads to the term
magnetic flux density which we denote as

The electric current equation can be viewed
as a convective current of electric charge that involves linear motion. By
analogy, the magnetic equation is an inductive current involving spin. There is
no linear motion in the inductive current along the direction of the
vector. The magnetic
inductive current represents lines of force. In particular, it represents lines
of inverse square law force.

The extension of the above considerations
confirms that where
is to
, and where
is to ρ, then it necessarily follows from Gauss's law and
from the equation of continuity of charge that
is to
. i.e.
parallels with
, whereas
parallels with

In SI units,
are measured in teslas (T) and amperes per metre (A/m),
respectively; or, in cgs units, in gauss (G) and oersteds (Oe), respectively.
Two parallel wires carrying an electric current in the same direction will
generate a magnetic field that will cause a force of attraction between them.
This fact is used to define the value of an ampere of electric current.

The fields
are also related by
the equation

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