Wednesday, July 1, 2015



 The term "nonferrous" refers to all metals which have elements other than iron as their base or principal constituent. This group includes such metals as aluminum, titanium, copper, and mag­nesium, as well as such alloyed metals as Monel
In structural as well as other use, non-ferrous metal have some specific applications including in aircraft applications.

  Copper: Copper is one of the thirty-eight `non-ferrous' metals which are known to man. For engineering purposes, copper is one of the most important of these. It is used as the basis for a wide range of brass and bronze alloys. It is widely used for electrical con­ductors and for heat-exchangers such as motor car radiators. Its main properties can be listed as:
Density                    8900 kg/m3;
Melting point            1083 °C;
Tensile strength        232 MPa

 Soft, very ductile, relatively low tensile strength, second only to silver in conductivity, it is easy to join by soldering and brazing, it is highly corro­sion resistant.

The properties of `pure' copper depend upon the degree of purity and the method of refinement. Often traces of impurities are retained deliberately to enhance the properties of copper for a particular application .
Four groups of copper alloys are: (a) the brass alloys; (b) the tin bronze alloys; (c) the aluminium bronze alloys; (d) the cupro-nickel alloys.

Monel: Monel, the leading high-nickel alloy, combines the properties of high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. This metal consists of 68 percent nickel, 29 percent copper, 0.2 percent iron, 1 percent manganese, and 1.8 percent of other elements. It cannot be hardened by heat treatment. Monel, adaptable to casting and hot- or cold-working, can be successfully welded. It has working properties similar to those of steel. When forged and annealed, it has a tensile strength of 80,000 p.s.i. This can be increased by cold-working to 125,000 p.s.i., sufficient for classification among the tough alloys. Monel has been successfully used for gears and chains to operate retractable landing gears, and for structural parts subject to corrosion. In aircraft, Monel is used for parts demanding both strength and high resistance to corrosion (such as exhaust manifolds and carburetor needle valves and sleeves).

K-Monel: K-Monel is a nonferrous alloy containing mainly nickel, copper, and aluminum. It is produced by adding a small amount of aluminum to the Monel formula. It is corrosion resistant and capable of bed hardened by heat treatment. K-Monel has been successfully used for gears, and structural members in aircraft which are subjected to corrosive attacks. This alloy is nonmagnetic at all temperatures. K-Monel sheet has been successfully welded by both oxyacetylene and electric-arc welding.

Aluminium and its alloys:

Aluminum is one of the most widely used metals in modern aircraft construction. It is vital to the aviation industry because of its high strength-to weight ratio and its comparative ease of fabrication, The outstanding characteristic of aluminum is its light weight. Aluminum melts at the comparatively low temperature of 1,250° F. It is nonmagnetic. When pure in form, aluminum has a tensile strength of about 13,000 p.s.i., but by rolling or after cold-working processes its strength may be approximately doubled. By alloying with other metals, or by using heat-treating processes, the tensile strength may be raised to as high as 65,000 p.s.i. or to within the strength range of structural steel.

The various types of aluminum may be divided into two general classes: (1) The casting alloys (those suitable for casting in sand, permanent mold, or die castings), and (2) the wrought alloys (those which may be shaped by rolling, drawing, or forging). Of these two, the wrought alloys are the most widely used in aircraft construction, being used for stringers, bulkheads, skin, rivets, and extruded sections.

Aluminum casting alloys are divided into two basic groups. In one, the physical properties of the alloys are determined by the alloying elements and cannot be changed after the metal is cast. In the other, the alloying elements make it possible to heat treat the casting to produce the desired physical properties.

Wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys are divided into two general classes, nonheat-treatable alloys and heat-treatable alloys.

Nonheat-treatable alloys are those in which the mechanical properties are determined by the amount of cold-work introduced after the final annealing operation. The mechanical properties obtained by cold working are destroyed by any subsequent heating and cannot be restored except by additional cold working, which is not always possible. The "full hard" temper is produced by the maximum amount of cold-work that is commercially practicable. Metal in the "as fabricated" condition is produced from the ingot without any subsequent controlled amount of cold working or thermal treatment. There is, consequently, a variable amount of strain harden­ing, depending upon the thickness of the section.

For heat-treatable aluminum alloys the mechan­ical properties are obtained by heat treating to a suitable temperature, holding at that temperature long enough to allow the alloying constituent to enter into solid solution, and then quenching to hold the constituent in solution. The metal is left in a supersaturated, unstable state and is then age hardened either by natural aging at room temperature or by artificial aging at some elevated temperature.

Alclad Aluminum: The terms "Alclad and Pureclad" are used to designate sheets that consist of an aluminum alloy core coated with a layer of pure aluminum to a depth of approximately 53/2 percent on each side. The pure aluminum coating affords a dual pro­tection for the core, preventing contact with any corrosive agents, and protecting the core electro­lytically by preventing any attack caused by scratching or from other abrasions.

Titanium and Titanium Alloys

Titanium was discovered by an English priest named Gregot. A crude separation of titanium ore was accomplished in 1825. In 1906 a sufficient amount of pure titanium was isolated in metallic form to permit a study. Following this study, in 1932, an extraction process was developed which became the first commercial method for producing titanium. The United States Bureau of Mines began making titanium sponge in 1946, and 4 years later the melting process began.
The use of titanium is widespread. It is used in many commercial enterprises and is in constant demand for such items as pumps, screens, and other tools and fixtures where corrosion attack is prevalent. In aircraft construction and repair, titanium is used for fuselage skins, engine shrouds, firewalls, longerons, frames, fittings, air ducts, and fasteners.

Titanium is used for making compressor disks, spacer rings, compressor blades and vanes, through bolts, turbine housings and liners, and mis­cellaneous hardward for turbine engines.
Titanium falls between aluminum and stainless steel in terms of elasticity, density, and elevated temperature strength. It has a melting point of from 2,730° F. to 3,155° F., low thermal conduc­tivity, and a low coefficient of expansion. It is light, strong, and resistant to stress-corrosion cracking. Titanium is approximately 60 percent heavier than aluminum and about 50 percent lighter than stainless steel.

Because of the high melting point of titanium, high-temperature properties are disappointing. The ultimate yield strength of titanium drops rapidly above 800° F. The absorption of oxygen and nitrogen from the air at temperatures above 1,000° F. makes the metal so brittle on long exposure that it soon becomes worthless. However, titanium does have some merit for short-time exposure up to 3,000° F. where strength is not important. Aircraft firewalls. demand this requirement.

 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys

Magnesium, the world's lightest structural metal, is a silvery-white material weighing only two-thirds as much as aluminum. Magnesium does not possess sufficient strength in its pure state for structural uses, but when alloyed with zinc, aluminum, and manganese it produces an alloy having the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any of the commonly used metals.

Some of today's aircraft require in excess of one-half ton of this metal for use in hundreds of vital spots. Some wing panels are fabricated entirely from magnesium alloys, weigh 18 percent less than standard aluminum panels, and have flown hundreds of satisfactory hours. Among the aircraft parts that have been made from mag­nesium with a substantial savings in weight are nosewheel doors, flap cover skin, aileron cover skin, oil tanks, floorings, fuselage parts, wingtips, engine nacelles, instrument panels, radio masts, hy­draulic fluid tanks, oxygen bottle cases, ducts, and seats.
Magnesium alloys possess good casting charac­teristics. Their properties compare favorably with those of cast aluminum. In forging, hydraulic presses are ordinarily used, although, under certain conditions, forging can be accomplished in mechanical presses or with drop hammers.

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