Thursday, July 2, 2015

Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys

Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys

The discovery of nanocrystalline Fe-based soft magnetic materials is less than ten years old. The first class of such materials was the melt-spun Fe-Si-B alloys containing small amounts of Nb and Cu (Yoshizawa et al. 1988). The Fe-Si-B-Nb-Cu amorphous phase transforms to a body-centered cubic (bcc) Fe-Si solid solution with grain sizes of about 10 nm during annealing at temperatures above the crystallization temperature. The presence of small amounts of Cu helps increase the nucleation rate of the bcc phase while Nb retards the grain growth. These "Finemet" alloys provide low core losses (even lower than amorphous soft magnetic alloys such as Co-Fe-Si-B), exhibit saturation induction of about 1.2 T, and exhibit very good properties at high frequencies, comparable to the best Co-based amorphous alloys. These were first developed in Japan and have stimulated a large amount of research and development worldwide to optimize the magnetic properties. There has been relatively little work in the United States in this area, however.

While many of the soft magnetic properties of Finemet-type nanocrystalline alloys are superior, they exhibit lower saturation inductions than Fe-metalloid amorphous alloys, mainly because of the lower Fe content to attain amorphization and because of the addition of Nb and Cu (or other elements to control the nucleation and growth kinetics). In order to remedy this problem, another class of Fe-based nanocrystalline alloys was developed by Inoue and coworkers at Tohoku University (Makino et al. 1997), which is commercialized by Alps Electric Co., Ltd., of Nagaoka, Japan (see also the Tohoku University site report, Appendix D). These "Nanoperm" alloys are based on the Fe-Zr-B system; they contain larger concentrations of Fe (83-89 at.%) compared to the Finemet alloys (~ 74 at.% Fe) and have higher values of saturation induction (~ 1.6-1.7 T). The Nanoperm nc alloys have very low energy losses at power frequencies (60 Hz), making them potentially interesting for electrical power distribution transformers. The issues of composition modification, processing, and the brittle mechanical behavior of these nanocrystalline/amorphous alloys are discussed by V.R. Ramanan in the first volume of this WTEC study, the proceedings of the May 8-9, 1997 panel workshop on the status of nanostructure science and technology in the United States (Ramanan 1998, 113-116). Fig. 3.1 compares the soft magnetic properties of Finemet, Nanoperm, and other materials.

Figure 3.1: Effective permeability, ยตe, vs. saturation magnetic flux density, Bs, for soft ferromagnetic materials (after A. Inoue 1997).
While there has been extensive research on these alloys, particularly in Japan and Europe, most of the development has been carried out in Japan. The Finemet family of alloys is marketed by Hitachi Special Metals. Vacuumschmelze GmbH (Germany) and Impky (France) also market similar alloys. The Nanoperm alloys are being commercialized by Alps Electric Co. (Japan). No extensive research nor any commercialization of these materials has been carried out in the United States.
The small single-domain nanocrystalline Fe particles in the amorphous matrix gives these alloys their unique magnetic behavior, the most dramatic being the lowest energy losses (narrowest B/H hysteresis loop) of any known materials, along with very high permeabilities. These alloys can also exhibit nearly or exactly zero magnetostriction. To date, these materials have been made by crystallization of rapidly solidified amorphous ribbons. Other methods that might provide geometrically desirable products should be explored or developed. Electrodeposition is one such method that requires further work. Electrodeposited nc Fe-Ni soft magnetic alloys are being developed in Canada.

The brittle nature of these materials is a problem for scaleup and transformer manufacture. The brittleness problem must be solved by finding less brittle materials or applying the handling and processing knowledge that exists for embrittled (after annealing) metallic glasses.

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