Friday, June 12, 2015


 Benefits OF monitoring

Monitoring system of the AFS fulfills the following functions:

  • Fault isolation: Data are accessible in flight and on the ground by pressing the DISPLAY pushbutton switch on the Maintenance Test Panel (MTP). It is to be noted that this pushbutton switch is normally active in flight in many aircraft.

  • Test after replacement of a unit: This test is performed on the ground by ground maintenance personnel in order to check correct operation of a system after replacement of a unit. This test called AFS TEST. This test is inhibited in flight.

  • LAND mode test: This test is performed on the ground only (inhibited in flight), to check availability of CAT 3 capability. If aircraft is operated in actual CAT 3, this test is recommended after removal/installation of the many AFS components.

  • Complex fault isolation: This function is activated on the ground in the event of complex failure detection.

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