Thursday, July 2, 2015

Other Ferromagnetic Nanocrystalline Materials

    Other Ferromagnetic Nanocrystalline Materials

Magnetic nanocomposite refrigerants, which have four times the magnetocaloric effects of the best low temperature magnetic refrigerant, were developed by NIST and described by R. Shull (1998, 43-58). The entropy change at a given (low) temperature for a system of magnetic spins is enhanced when the isolated spins are clustered. Shull et al. (1993) have shown that the nanocomposite Gd3Ga5-xFexO12 gives superior magnetocaloric effects, which increase with x up to x = 2.5 and can be extended to higher temperatures than conventional materials.

Magnetostrictive materials such as Terfonol-D (Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2) have been of scientific and technological interest in recent years. It is suggested by G.C. Hadjipanayis (1998, 107-112) that nanostructured magnetostrictive materials can have improved properties, such as lower saturation fields, with reduced anisotropy and in multilayers with alternate layers of magnetostrictive and soft magnetic materials that are exchange-coupled. Hadjipanayis states that most of the research in this area is carried out in Japan and Europe.

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